Diabetes Reversal Program

About the Program

This is a one-on-one, completely personalised, easy-to-sustain and holistic health program designed to help you reverse, prevent or manage your type 2 diabetes. Lifecare Diagnostics has onboarded reputed Nutritionist & Diabetes Educator, Khushboo Jain Tibrewala to lead this program. Khushboo has designed this program using her signature dual approach – she works on stabilizing glucose levels as well as addressing the root cause, i.e. insulin resistance.

About Khushboo Jain Tibrewala

She is a renowned Nutritionist and Diabetes Educator with a proven track record of transforming lives. Her expertise in diabetes management, prevention, and reversal is unparalleled. She believes in using a combination of traditional Indian food wisdom and modern health sciences. Her unique style makes her plan easy to follow for you and your family. Learn more about Khushboo and her work thehealthpantry.in

Completely Personalized

Online & Offline Support

Holistic Health Program

Qualified Nutritionists

Food Tracking

Diabetes-Friendly Recipes

Regular Testing

Long Term Results

Brands that Trust Us

A Browse through

Our Diabetes Checkup Packages

3 Months package

3 Months package

Lowered insulin resistance, fixed uric acid & cholesterol levels "Ever since I signed up, my eating and lifestyle habits have changed dramatically. She has debunked many food myths for me, and helped me become more aware of, and connected to, my food. All my parameters have been fixed with just nutrition and no medicines. I have never been happier with my body, eating habits and biomarkers in the last five years.”

Arun Singh

Made life with an unidentified autoimmune condition easier "Compassionate and meticulous, I started working with Khushboo last year in 2023 and I was not looking to lose weight or anything cosmetic, I was struggling to lead a healthy life due to an auto-immune condition. Khushboo not only works with you on your food habits, she also put in effort to an overall well-being. My condition has improved and I have strength to deal with my situation in a much better way and without fear. All I can say is small differences do make big differences and that's what's I realised working with Khushboo. Thank you Khushboo for being and amazing Nutritionist and eventually to being a friend."

Rajshree Tiwari

Reversed diabetes, IBS & improved multiple health issues "I'm off my diabetes medicines. It took me only 3 months of work with Khushboo to get off my medicines and to make sure my glucose numbers were in the normal range. She was available to answer all my questions, she worked with me according to my needs to reach the goals we discussed.


Reversed diabetes “Hi Khushboo, my diabetes is in remission! I lost 10 kgs earlier this year. Thanks for all that you taught me. It helped me a great deal.”

Pooja Dubey

Thank you Khushboo for making me lose weight and feel good about myself and that too without feeling as if I couldn’t eat anything! You were with me every step of the way and made me feel so much healthier and I never felt as though I was missing any food. You were simply amazing.

Madhu Agarwal

Reversed prediabetes, fatty liver, hyperuricemia & dyslipidemia Thanks, Khushboo for being a mentor and teaching me how to eat healthy which not only improved my HbA1c score but I lost weight too.

Priyanka Gill

Reversed diabetes & fatty liver I used to follow Ms.Khushboo's Instagram handle and chose her purely on instinct. Within 2 1/2 months my HbA1C had come down to 5.6 from 7, Triglycerides 119 from 358 and SGPT 20.9 from 44. I had lost 6 kgs and was down to 76 from 82. Ms.Khushboo is very friendly and affable. She is highly knowledgeable and knows her craft. Her consultation sessions are unhurried and she spends time with the clients. Now after 5 months I have been able to maintain my levels and can confidently say that I have reversed my Diabetes.

Krishna Iyyer

Better management of menstrual health & anxiety Khushboo is not just a dietician..she has a personal touch to every conversation and guidance she does. The 6 months I had with her were like the teaching moments that felt life-altering..she teaches you to enjoy the journey and not worry about the destination. My main concern was my period pain and I felt such a big sigh of relief when it drastically reduced…this is saying something when my entire lifespan everyone told me it was normal. She teaches you how to curate things for yourself making you independent and confident!!

Shreya Pratap

Fat Loss & PCOS Reversal Khushboo got to the root cause of my unhealthy relationship with food. She eliminated the word ‘Cheat Meal’ from my life and made me stop weighing myself every morning. She helped me overcome my compulsive eating, improve my PCOS and lose inches!

Karuna Gupta

Lost 14 kilos without starvation My objective was to lose weight. We worked out a sustainable plan for me, starting with food items that my body was used to. In a short span of 9 months, I’ve seen good results; I’m consistently losing weight and able to follow the diet consistently.

Rohan Goyal

Insulin resistance & weight loss I was 120 kgs when I first visited Khushboo. Within the first month, I lost 7.5 kg and in just 3 months I had reached 102kg. The amazing part was, she never asked me to starve or cut down my food intake; she made dieting so easy. I discovered an all-new me.


Weight loss and Energy Recovery Thank you Khushboo for making me lose weight and feel good about myself and that too without feeling as if I couldn't eat anything! You were with me every step of the way and made me feel so much healthier and I never felt as though I was missing any food. You were simply amazing."

Hansika Aswani

Fat loss and reducing blood pressure medication Over the years, I have been to several nutritionists but always struggled with weight issues, which eventually led to being on BP medication as well. Khushboo was unique in that she gave me a very sustainable plan, not just starving me which would lead to a bounce back in weight. It was an absolutely wonderful experience that helped me lose 13 kgs and reduce my medicines by half.

Anshul Goenka

Management of diabetes & dyslipidemia I was able to completely control my inflammation level and improve my diabetes and cholesterol levels through Khushboo’s guidance. Thank you.

Karan Malhotra